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Comunita’ Racalmutese Maria SS. Del Monte Ontario Inc.

72 Murray St. West, Hamilton, ONT, L8L 1B3




  1. Be it resolved that the name of the Association be Comunita’ Racalmutese Maria SS. Del Monte, Ontario Inc. This non-profit association may, from time to time, present various activities as “Divisions” of the association.

  2. This document contains a copy of the original constitution of 1988 and also the rewritten version dated August 31, 2011.

  3. The members of the Executive and sitting committee unanimously revoke any previous constitution (s) written in Italian and /or in English as well as any and all amendments and appendices.

  4. The present members of the Executive and sitting committee unanimously agree to exercise “confidentiality” in regards to all matters discussed or resolved in any and all general committee meetings.

  5. NOTE: All decisions, executive appointments and committees, formed prior to the signing date of this document, shall be considered to be “grandfathered”.



Mission Statement:

  • We hope to foster and preserve the values and traditions of our Racalmutese heritage by promoting and celebrating historically significant events of a religious, social and cultural nature. We present the annual “Festa” in honour of Maria SS. Del Monte, and thereby continue a proud tradition, observed in the twinned cities of Racalmuto, Sicily and Hamilton, Ontario.



  • The committee shall be made up of men and women. These members do not pay annual dues, however, they may make donations to a mutually and unanimously agreed upon motion. “Donations” shall be defined as (a) individual and personal or (b) from the general business account, wherein a majority vote will be required to access funds under the supervision of the Treasurer.

  • Anyone may be admitted as a member of the association by filling out the registration form Appendix A.

  • Members may lose their committee status by resignation or expulsion. Expulsion will be considered at the Executive and sitting committee level combined, only after all other options have been exhausted.

  • There shall be no discrimination of any description including gender, race, color, ancestry, birthplace or generation towards any candidate wishing to be a committee member.

  • Be it resolved that all Executive candidates must have served a minimum of two years on the sitting committee prior to holding office on the executive.

  • Elections shall be held every two years and candidates may be nominated or apply for an Executive position dependent upon having fulfilled the required two year service on the sitting committee.

  • Be it resolved that the fiscal year for the Comunita’ shall begin August 1st of any given calendar year to July 31st of the following calendar year. Be it also resolved that the Executive Treasurer shall prepare and present up to date financial statements at the close of, and at the opening of each fiscal year. In addition, from time to time as required, the Treasurer will make available a current financial statement upon request of the Executive and /or sitting committee.


Public Relations Sub-Committee:

  • This committee shall be comprised of sitting committee members willing to research and report to the Executive and the sitting committee, strategies for informing the public of upcoming Comunita’events


Formal Structure of Comunita’ Racalmutese  Maria SS. Del, Monte Ontario Inc.

The Executive:

  • The Executive is made up of a President, Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

  • All members of the Executive hold office for two years and can be re-elected for successive terms.

  • The Executive should promote the admission of new members.

  • The President and Treasurer will sign all official orders, contracts and requisitions as approved by the Executive Committee and /or the sitting committee.

  • In case of emergency, the President will be replaced by the Vice-President. This appointment shall be uncontested by any or all committee members up to and including the date of the next general election or until the President is able to return to his/her position and its inherent duties and responsibilities..

  • The Executive is responsible to inform all members of general meetings.

  • The Executive and sitting committee should meet a minimum of once a month or more often as determined necessary by the Executive and sub-committee chairpersons, particularly in the period of one or two months preceding the “Festa”.


Duties of the Executive


  • The President shall preside over all the meetings.

  • The President is responsible for the entire operation in conjunction with the Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary and chairpersons of sub-committees.

  • The President (or in his or her absence the Vice President or 2nd Vice- President ) shall sign all documents.

  • The President shall open and conduct the meeting in an orderly manner, following an agenda distributed to all sitting committee members at the beginning of the meeting.

  • The President shall conduct him/herself respectfully both in committee meetings and public appearances.

  • The President will hold a open meetings during each fiscal year, if there is a request by the community. These meetings shall be any regular business meeting chosen by the President that is open to the general public. These meetings shall be announced well in advance in bulletins of one or more churches, email, and social media.



  • The Vice– President or 2nd Vice-President, in the event of an emergency, shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President. In the event of his or her absence, the President shall designate the Vice –President to conduct the general meetings. In the event that the Vice-President is unable to conduct the meeting, this responsibility shall be handed down to the 2nd Vice-President and finally to the Secretary.



  • The Treasurer shall complete all of the duties and functions related to his office.

  • The Treasurer shall prepare and maintain the general ledger with the fiscal year beginning August 1st (of any year) up to and including July 31st of the succeeding year.

  • The Treasurer shall maintain the necessary documents of all accounts receivable and expenses rendered.

  • A written statement of receipts and disbursements reflecting opening and closing fiscal year balances should be prepared for the final and first general meeting of each year with copies for each member of the Executive.

  • The Treasurer shall provide a verbal report at each general meeting.

  • Cash or cheques in the Treasurer’s possession shall be deposited in a timely manner, not exceeding five business days.

  • Payments of all outstanding accounts shall be made by the Treasurer from the association’s business banking account using cheques bearing any 2 signatures of the Treasurer, President or Secretary in any combination thereof.



  • The Secretary shall attend all meetings and record the minutes in a manner that may be transposed into a written copy following each meeting.

  • The Secretary shall make available to the President and Vice-President a copy of the finalized minutes of each meeting.

  • The Secretary shall maintain a hard copy of the minutes of each committee meeting for the perusal of any or all committee members upon request.




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2017 - JC

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